//Bob's Bowling Program - version 1.000
//This Version is awkward but it works for a number of data sets or game inputs
// This program is a collection of useful examples for Kotlin programming. The program will run
// within the IntelliJ IDEA IDE(Integration Development Environment). This code is written on IntelliJ IDEA Community 2020.1
// Runtime version: 11.0.6+8-b765.40 amd64 and will run on other similar versions as is.
// Make an empty Kotlin Project and put in an empty Kotlin file/class, paste this code into the empty class and
// select Run... from the Run menu and pick this program
// The program should run in a Run window which is a JVM (Java Virtual Machine)
// A person familiar with the IntelliJ IDEA IDE or books on the topic may be helpful in getting this code to run (to check details and nuances).
// In computing it is common to be one or two keystrokes away from having a program run. A person that already knows the computing system
// can usually figure out fast how to get a program running.
// Whether you never programmed or are an expert you learn the most when you teach others
// Array, random numbers, logic, syntax, null values, nullable types, functions, default function values, classes, objects, try and catch,
// screen input and screen output examples are shown in this code.
// Variable names are semi-self descriptive to show their purpose.
// Question marks in the code are the Kotlin way of setting null values. For reasons that will be easier to understand by writing some code yourself
// null values are a often good option to use in Kotlin code, and depending on what the code is for, it is sometimes necessary to use null values in Kotlin
// Variable names in Kotlin can (and) usually do have computer address numbers. The address numbers are not usually displayed or known to the programmer
// The address numbers are the computer memory location of where the value (or more broadly object) is that the variable refers to
// For example in the line of code "x = 5"
// x is the variable and x has an address which is a usually an 8 digit hexadecimal number that isn't shown.
// The Kotlin computer language compiler picks an address automatically. The programmer does not decide the what the address is.
// For example it could be 1f8c03ba and 1f8c03ba is a location or address in the computer memory where the number value '5' is stored
// The value '5' can be changed to another number value
// For example 'x = 6' or 'x = 100' but that number value (6 or 100 in these examples)
// will now be stored at address (or location) 1f8c03ba instead of the number 5
// If a place is in memory is needed for a number value but it isn't yet known what the number will be, a null value can be used in place of a number
// The next line sets an integer variable named 'x' equal to null
// var x: Int? = null
// This means x is an integer (Int type) and is also a variable (var) which instead of being set to number (for example 6 or 100)
// x is set to null. The address for x is an 8 digit hexadecimal number (for example 1f8c03ba) but there is nothing at this address, it is null.
// The code line
// var x: Int? = null
// reserves an address (or location, for example 1f8c03ba) in the computers memory that does not yet store an integer (for example 5, or 6 or 100)
// but an integer can be stored there by another line of code (for example x = 100)
// x represents a computer address also called a location (for example 1f8c03ba) and if x is null it's address (or location) is empty
// but ready to store an integer.
// This program tabulates bowling scores by representing each bowling frame as a collection of objects which are stored in an array.
// The name of the array is 'game'. The type of object is named 'BowlingFrame'
// This code can best be understood by making advance visits to a bowling alley and observing or participating in the sport.
// Bowling alleys with an option for bowlers to keep score with a pencil and paper are most suitable for understanding the bowling score system.
// The author has found other bowlers are prompt to check the score keepers accuracy and provide council.
// This imported class "NumberFormatException" is used in a "try catch" code block in case incompatible characters or numbers are input.
import java.lang.NumberFormatException
fun main (args: Array<String>) {
println("Welcome to Bruce and Bob and Bill and Bruce and Doug and Dara and Jim and Ethyl's Outdoor on the Beach Bowling Lane and Alleys")
println("Somewhere in the South Pacific\n")
//Using proper grammar in these comments would not be a good way to explain this code
//The unusual grammar in theses comments is partly due to that some readers are not used to reading code and
//the nature of putting comments in code, is different than other kinds of writing
//but if it is re-read slowly most of it becomes easier to understand. Some parts are not explained well because it would take and a great
//amount writing and sketch drawings
//When prompted enter the pin score for the ball rolled - if the pin score is not in range the program will automatically bowl a pin score
//These two values adjust the number of pins per frame and the number of frames.
//For example a game could be set to have 5000 pins and 3 frames.
//It is recommended that the potentialNumberOfFrames be set to 3 or more and the number of pinAmountPerFrame to be 1 or greater
//for the score keeping algorithm to tabulate normally.
//For a standard 10 Frame game set the potentialNumberOfFrames to 12. This will create an Array of 12 BowlingFrame's,
//that being 10 Frames along with an extra 2 frames in case a strike or spare is bowled on the (potentialNumberOfFrames - 2) frame
//Array elements are numbered beginning with the number zero (not one).
//game[0] is the first element of the array of "BowlingFrame"s. game[1] is the second element of the array of "BowlingFrame"s
//This offset of "1" should be kept in mind when writing code but all code writing encounters some errors due to this offset
//val pinAmountPerFrame = 5000
//val potentialNumberOfFrames = 4
//For improved scores substitute the code below with the code above.
//It sets the number of frames to a 4 frame game and the number of pins to 5000 for a possible 30,000 point scoring game.
val pinAmountPerFrame = 10
val potentialNumberOfFrames = 12
//This is an example of how to set up an empty (or null) array in Kotlin which can be filled in with values as the program runs
//It is also the basis of this example program. This line of code sets up a collection of 12 objects. The collection is givien the
//name game. The programming word for this sort of a colletion is an 'array'. The objects in this example are BowlingFrames and they
//are set to empty. The programming word for an empty object is 'null'.
val game = arrayOfNulls<BowlingFrame?>(potentialNumberOfFrames)
//The game score
var score = 0
//A function that is called and run for each BowlingFrame of the game.
fun letsBowl(ball:Int){
var numberOfSetPins = pinAmountPerFrame
val ballOne:Int?
val ballTwo:Int?
println("Bowling Frame Number ${ball + 1}")
print("Ball One ")
//check the first ball roll and set the pin number for the second ball roll.
ballOne = rollBall(numberOfSetPins)
numberOfSetPins = numberOfSetPins - ballOne!!
//Calculate score if 2 strikes in a row have proceeded the first ball of the current frame.
if (ball>1&&game[ball-1]?.strike!!&&game[ball-2]?.strike!!){
game[ball-2]?.adjustedFrameScore = game[ball-2]?.frameScore!! + game[ball-1]?.ballNumberOne!! + ballOne
score = score + game[ball-2]?.adjustedFrameScore!!
//Calculate Score if a spare has proceeded the first ball of the current frame.
if (ball>0&&game[ball-1]?.spare!!&&ball - 1 < potentialNumberOfFrames - 2){
game[ball-1]?.adjustedFrameScore = game[ball-1]?.frameScore!! + ballOne
score = score + game[ball-1]?.adjustedFrameScore!!
//Calculate score for a strike (or if the first extra frame is proceeded by a spare - the spare and strike conditions are set by an if statement elsewhere in the code) and set frameStatue variable properties of the frame.
if (ballOne == pinAmountPerFrame||(game[potentialNumberOfFrames-3] != null && game[potentialNumberOfFrames-3]?.spare!!)||ball == potentialNumberOfFrames - 1){
//Only 2 of 3 arguments (in this case pinAmountPerFrame and ballOne) (also knows as parameters) are
//passed to the BowlingFrame() constructor. As this example shows ,in Kotlin it is not necessary to pass all arguments to a function.
//Unintended arguments can be passed to function variables therefore it is recommended when writing Kotlin programs to
//to check for this possibility in order to avoid unexpected output.
game[ball] = BowlingFrame(pinAmountPerFrame, ballOne)
if (ballOne == pinAmountPerFrame) game[ball]?.strike = true
//If the BallOne is not a strike, roll a second ball and update the ballNumberOne, ballNumberTwo and frameStatus variable properties of the BowlingFrame object.
print("Ball Two ")
ballTwo = rollBall(numberOfSetPins)
game[ball] = BowlingFrame(pinAmountPerFrame,ballOne, ballTwo)
if (ballTwo!! == numberOfSetPins){
game[ball]?.spare = true
game[ball]?.open = true
if (ball>0&&game[ball-1]?.strike!!){
game[ball-1]?.adjustedFrameScore = game[ball-1]?.adjustedFrameScore!! + game[ball]?.frameScore!!
score = score + game[ball-1]?.adjustedFrameScore!!
//This line calculates the score on the conditions of both the BowlingFrame property open being true and the ball number being
//less than potentialNumberOfFrames - 1. For example if a strike is bowled in the 10th frame of a 10 frame game of bowling
//2 more balls will be rolled. If both of those balls are strikes then the game is complete, the 10, 11th, and 12th frames being strikes
//In no possible circumstance of a 10 frame game is a second ball of the 12th frame to be rolled for scoring purposes.
//In non-virtual Bowling Alleys this ball is sometimes rolled for practice or amusement but it is not an official part of the game.
//The points from a second ball of the 12th frame are not applied to the score.
//In other words in all cases of score keeping in the game of bowling
//The score of the second ball of the highest potential frame is not applied to the score.
//The condition 'ball<potentialNumberOfFrames -1' ensures this.
if (game[ball]?.open!!&&ball<potentialNumberOfFrames - 2) score = score + game[ball]?.adjustedFrameScore!!
//Display Frame status, and if the frame is open display the score.
if (game[ball]?.ballNumberTwo == null){
println(if (game[ball]?.open!!) "${game[ball]?.frameStatus} ${score}" else "${game[ball]?.frameStatus}")
println("Please visit for paid apps, free apps and more\n")
println("This is a ${potentialNumberOfFrames - 2} Frame Game with ${pinAmountPerFrame} pins per frame")
//This is actually the main loop of the program
for (bowlBall in 0..potentialNumberOfFrames - 1)
if (bowlBall<potentialNumberOfFrames-2||(bowlBall == potentialNumberOfFrames - 2&&!game[potentialNumberOfFrames-3]?.open!!)||((bowlBall == potentialNumberOfFrames - 1)&&(game[potentialNumberOfFrames-3]?.strike!!&&game[potentialNumberOfFrames-2]?.strike!!))) letsBowl(bowlBall)
//Print the game score
println("The Score is ${score}\n")
println("Please visit for paid apps, free apps, commentary, mathematics and more")
//This is an example of both a "try and catch" code block and readln() to get user input from a keyboard.
fun rollBall(pins: Int): Int? {
val pinNumber = pins
var ball: Int? = null
try {
ball = readLine()?.toInt()!!
if (ball<0||ball>pinNumber) ball = autoBowl(pinNumber)
} catch (e: NumberFormatException) {
ball = autoBowl(pinNumber)
return ball
//This is an example of generating a random number in Kotlin.
fun autoBowl(numberOfPins:Int) :Int{
var pinAmount:Int? = null
if (numberOfPins>0) pinAmount = kotlin.random.Random.nextInt(numberOfPins + 1)
println("AutoBowl ${pinAmount}")
return pinAmount!!
//This code block is an example of making a data type object in Kotlin
//The object here is made from the class BowlingFrame and therefore is of a type called BowlingFrame.
//A BowlingFrame object represents a frame in a game of bowling
//This program uses an Array of BowlingFrame objects to represent the frames of a Bowling game.
//The question marks mean that values can be null.
class BowlingFrame(var fullPinNumber:Int, var ballOne: Int? = null, var ballTwo: Int? = null) {
var ballNumberOne: Int? = ballOne
var ballNumberTwo: Int? = ballTwo
var frameScore: Int? = null
var adjustedFrameScore: Int? = null
var frameStatus = "open -"
var spare = false
var strike = false
var open = false
fun setDefaultAndAdjustedFrameScore() {
if (ballNumberTwo == null) {
frameScore = ballNumberOne!!
// If a second ball is not rolled on any frame that is less than the (fullPinNumber minus 2) then the FrameStatus is a strike
// however it is not necessarily a strike if a second ball is not rolled on frames subsequent to (fullPinNumber minus 2)
if (ballNumberOne == fullPinNumber) frameStatus = "strike X"
} else {
frameScore = ballNumberOne!! + ballNumberTwo!!
if (frameScore == fullPinNumber) frameStatus = "spare /"
//This assures that AdjustedFrameScore is not null
adjustedFrameScore = frameScore
//This code is for teaching KOtlin arrays and is not set up for structure or efficiency. This is partly because if it
//were set up to for structure and speed it might not be as informative on the matter of showing how to set up a Kotlin array.
//A distinctive characteristic of score keeping in bowling is that in the frames allotted by default
//(for example that is the 10 frames in a standard 10 frame game) a single pin can give 1, 2 or 3 points
//depending on whether the frames are open, spares or strikes. However in the extra frames
//(for example the possible 11th and 12th frames of a 10 frame game) a pin only gives 1 point
//This is one of the reasons that writing a program to keep track of bowling scores is not
//as straightforward as might be expected and is also a good way to understand computer programming.